When we are creating explainer videos, amusing visuals and smooth transitions are usually our main focuses but the script is the backbone of the video that we should not neglect. Here are the important tips you must read before moving on script writing.
#1 Forgetting who you are talking to
To understand your target is always the first step of developing any strategies or creatives. After doing research on their age ranges, careers, behaviors, and even genres of Netflix movies, you could easily brainstorm relevant scenarios that create stronger emotional bonding with audiences. You could also be able to identify problems they usually encounter if you are thinking in their shoe. Eventually, you could attract audiences to spend more time on your video for solving all her queries in mind.
#2 Write like you talk!
Write with a ‘conversational tone’ and consider it as explaining something to a close friend. (So then you will make it fun too!) When you are having an actual dialogue with your friend, you never use big words or formal sentence structures. Use today’s tense and everyday wordings. For example, instead of ‘Your development of commercial engagements will be intensely escalated by Allua,’ simply write ‘Allua leverages your businesses’.
#3 Too much focus on the brand
This is not a brand advertisement. Do not focus too much on how great your product or services are, or describing the brand features in detail. The focus of an explainer video is to let audiences know how it can solve their problems. Besides, do not mention your brand name too many times like hard-selling. Visuals with logos could still be a brand reminder for the viewers. No worries!
#4 Ordinary (Too boring, I mean.)
The average attention span of human nowadays is 8 seconds only. If they’d rather pause the video and choose to scan through the wordy instructions, your video is a failure! Be humorous to make your video more engaging to generate social media buzz and to grow your conversion rates. Also, be striking when writing. Drop the humble terms like ‘maybe’, ‘possibly will’ or ‘perhaps’.
#5 Brief! Condensed! Write 8-word-phrases!
Writing scripts is definitely not the time for showing off your vocabulary, long run-on phrases or complicated sentence structures.Those sentences are hard to listen or even to pronounce, hence, break them into chunks and be brief. Try trimming down to 8 words per phrases! Remember, the most important part isn’t the graphics and visuals but the script. Take your time to create your perfect script with the tips above. If you are looking for the easy route, drop a message below and we are here to help! Hungry for more? Learn the easy steps from 5 Steps of Making Explainer Animation Videos to make your animation come alive.
Remember, the most important part isn’t the graphics and visuals but the script. Take your time to create your perfect script with the tips above. If you are looking for the easy route, drop a message here and we are happy to help! Hungry for more? Learn the easy steps from Quick Guide to Making Swoon-worthy Explainer Animation Videos to make your animation come alive.